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Students studying ASF 101: Intro to Scientifiction

Here, you will find all offered courses by our department. Unfortunately, our department does not offer an undergraduate or graduate major (or even a certificate) at this time.
We have been sued by the US Department of Education twelve times for failing to portray ourselves as a legitimate scientific department. We are also listed under UW-Madison's School of Education, but the University officially shut down our department last year because of legal issues. However, they forgot to take down our website and have not updated the student course registration and credit program, so you can still take our classes and receive academic credit for them (like the students in the image above taking ASF 199 for "fun")!
Feel free to browse the Astronomical Scientifiction (ASF) courses and choose:

ASF 101: Intro to Scientifiction

Credits: 2
Last Offered: Fall 2010
Prerquisites: None
A modern introduction to scientifiction and the scope of astronomy in the subject. Political, religious and satirical controversies are discussed. The concept of scientific fiction and its difference from science fiction is strongly emphasized through in-class viewings of sci-fi movies.

ASF 042: The Meaning of Life

Credits: 3
Last Offered: Fall 2010
Prerequisites: Must have 42 credits prior to enrollment
Our most popular and most highly spoken-of course offering. Students will be exposed to 42 different scientific publications about astrobiology, the big bang theory, evolution and philosophical topics about extraterrestrial life will be discussed. The class size is only 42 and thus fills quickly; it consits of three 42-minute MWF lectures at 0042 (yes, that's 12:42 AM, for those unfamiliar with military time; get used to it), with a total of 42 lectures throughout the semester.

ASF 199: Advanced Time Travel

Credits: 5
Last Offered: Spring 2032
Prerequisites: Physics (245, 247, 248), Math (234, 431), Special Relativity 201
A challenging course that analyzes the phenomenon of time-travel. People may laugh at you when you tell them that you are taking a course about time-travel, but they are not the ones analyzing complicated simultanaeity situations and solving seventh-order partial differential equations about time dilation and length contraction, all while travelling faster than the speed of light. Paradoxes are studied and examined with a mathematical and physics-based emphasis.
Warning: This class is not as cool as you think it will be. It is extremely challenging, has no practical application to the current state of the world, will not help you in finding a job and will being your GPA down (91.1% of the students do not pass it). Taking the class might be a big mistake (and you will wish that you could go back in time and drop it before the deadline). Proceed with caution.

ASF 009: Pluto - Revolve In Peace

Credits: 3 + 1(lab)
Last Offered: Fall 2010
Prerequsites: ASF 042, Geometric Shape Appreciation 102 - Spheres, History 241 - Survey of Dwarves in relation to Social Inequalities
In-depth analysis of the life and times of our beloved former planet, Pluto. Characteristics of Pluto that sets it apart from other planets are discussed. Friday labs are appreciation days where a video of Pluto rotating and revolving (at the same time!) is played for three hours straight; attendance is mandatory. The lost lawsuit filed against NASA is examined. This class satisfies the prerequisites for a new class in the ASF department (which is planned on being offered in Spring 2013), ASF 091: The Necissity for Irregular Orbits in a Solar System.

ASF 040: Nothing is Impossible

Credits: 3
Last Offered: Fall 2010
Prerequisites: ASF 101, ASF 042
The history and usage of the word "impossible" is studied in small discussion groups; overuse of the word "impossible" in a scientific context is debated and explained thoroughly through readings and online quizzes. This class will require a significant amount of writing and participation, but remember that nothing is impossible and you will get through it.

More classes coming soon!

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